I Asked for Wonder / A Spiritual Anthology / Abraham Joshua Heschel. Edited by Samuel H. Dresner. Paperback


I Asked for Wonder / A Spiritual Anthology / Abraham Joshua Heschel.  Edited by Samuel H. Dresner.  Paperback

"Heschel, like his hasidic forebears, had the gift of combining profoundity with simplicity.  He found just the right word not only to express what he thought but to evoke what he felt, startling the mind and delighting the heart as well as addressing and challenging the whole person.  There are passages in this collection which, once encountered, will be taken up again and again, until they are absorbed into one's inner life.  Reading Heschel is to peer into the heart of that rarest of humnan phenomena, the holy man."

I Asked for Wonder / A Spiritual Anthology / Abraham Joshua Heschel.  Edited by Samuel H. Dresner.  Paperback