  Please pray for Kristie Allgeyer, a young mother of seven children, (ages 5 – 18) who was just diagnosed with abdominal cancer. She is strong in her faith and would be most grateful for our prayers for her and her family. Kristie’s mother died of cancer when Kristie was in college and she is so afraid of leaving her children.  Thank you.
Ginny Mackey's Intentions:
  Ginny Mackey asks prayers for:   Alex, Ryan, Merlito and Devon.   Peace in Afghanistan and all countries and an end to the opium industry and illegal drug dealing.   Prayers for her daughter, Alexandra who has some problems and has left home and left the Church.   Prayers for herself. She lives alone and has several diseases of nervous system and spine, a large debt and is trying to discern God’s plan in her life.   She is grateful for our prayers and will pray for the congregation.  THANK YOU!    
50th Birthday
Please keep in your prayers a dear friend who is celebrating her 50th birthday!  May she be embraced in the love of all those who love her!
Nancy Malone, who is suffering from cancer, has received news that is not good. Please, please "up" your prayers! Thanks!
Prayer Request
Please pray for the family of Sr. Beth Garciano, especially for her cousin Edgar Dalope, his wife Teresa and their daughter Zynalcynth ... may the God of Peace be their eternal comfort.  Thank you.
Please continue praying
  Thank you sooo much for the prayers for  Neil ---  he is  making progress so there is hope  if we  keep praying I am sure he will make a full recovery.  I have a request from the President of MDS in Quincy to pray for  Mrs. Koch and Simone Koch, the mother and sister of the Mayor of Quincy.   He is very good to MDS and came all the way to Marlboro to  Lorraine's wake.  His mother is quite ill and his sister had surgery and is not doing well. ---- Also, please pray for Gabriel who is an alcoholic and  is at the stage where  he is very aggressive and his family is very frightened of him as he is also  mentally ill and can be violent. there is going to be an intervention tomorrow afternoon so please storm heaven  that no one will be hurt. and that  he will be  placed where  he can be protected and his family kept safe.   Thanks so much  
Please add Joan Power to your "big time" prayer list. She was being treated for asthma and then discovered it was stage three throat cancer. Not a smoker and took good care of her health. How very sad...thank you for all your prayers!
Greetings and Prayers
  My dear Sisters and Friends, Happy Feast of St John Eudes! This coming September, I will begin my preparation for my perpetual profession of vows, which will be on November 21. Jeong Hye from Korea will be joining me during the Intensification Program (Sep 1-30). Following this is my 30-day retreat (Oct 8-Nov8). I am asking and hoping that you dear sisters will accompany us in prayer during this time.  As I thank God for the gift of faith, life and vocation, I also remember and thank you all for your prayers, inspiration and guidance. May our Lord bless us more and keep us ever afire in the Spirit! One with you in the Heart of Jesus and Mary, ♥CIELO  
Please pray for Maria, a woman who called in a desperate situation. She asks for prayer for the protection and safety of her children and herself who are in a very unstable situation. Maria is extremely grateful for the assurance of our prayers.
Let us join the world in praying for Egypt especially for those who have lost lives and await for the blessings of PEACE,
Please pray for Mark Milliken who sustained serious injuries after an auto accident. He also has cancer: so lots to pray for. THANK YOU
Core Team
Please pray for the intercessors of the Trinity core team.  God Bless You!
Please pray for the well being and complete recovery of REY REYES who had a heart attack.  For his family, let us pray.  THANKS Please also pray for CARLOS QUIROZ who died suddenly.  For his family, especially for his Dad.  Thank You.
Please pray for VIVIAN T. as she prepares for eye surgery.  May she be surrounded by God's peace and healing Presence.  Thank You!
Sri Lanka
  Je suis sûre que vous avez entendu parler des assassinats perpétrés au Sri Lanka. Je vous serais reconnaissant si vous envoyez la pétition pour les signatures à tous les contacts de Justice et Paix. C'est une façon pour nous d'être solidaires avec le peuple qui souffre.   J'ai visité l'endroit aujourd'hui. Nos sœurs se trouvent dans cette région, où l'armée a attaqué des civils qui protestaient en demandant à avoir de  « l’eau propre ».   Beaucoup de gens ont été attaqués, à l'heure actuelle trois garçons qui regardaient la manifestation ont été tués.   Certaines personnes sont venues se refugier dans le couvent pour se protéger. L'usine qui est la cause de la pollution de l'eau est fermée à l'heure actuelle (temporairement)... Nous avons visité les familles de deux garçons (de 17 et 19 ans) qui sont morts au cours de ces violents événements.  Demain (jeudi 8 août), nous avons une manifestation pacifique, une manière d'être en solidarité avec le peuple que souffre mais aussi pour demander justice et l’arrêt de la violence de la part des militaires. Nous vous demandons de prier pour nous. Josita Corera, RBP  
Sri Lanka
  Estoy segura de que habrá oído acerca de los recientes asesinatos en Sri Lanka. Estaría agradecida si por favor envía la petición de firmas para todos los contactos de JP. Es una manera para nosotras de estar en solidaridad con el pueblo que sufre.  Hoy he visitado el lugar. Nuestras hermanas están también en esta zona donde el ejército atacó a los civiles que protestaban para exigir 'agua limpia'.   Muchas personas fueron atacadas y tres muchachos que estaban viendo la demostración fueron asesinados.   Algunas personas entraron en el convento también para protegerse. La fábrica que es la causante de la contaminación del agua está cerrada en estos momentos (temporalmente)... Nosotras visitamos a las familias de dos de los tres jóvenes (de 17 y 19 años) que murieron durante esta violencia.   Mañana vamos a tener una manifestación pacífica, una forma de estar en solidaridad con el pueblo que sufre, así como también para pedir justicia y que se detenga la violencia por parte de los militares. Contamos con su oración, Josita Corera, RBP  
Prayers for Sri Lanka
  I am sure you would have heard about the recent killings in Sri Lanka. I would be grateful if you please send out the petition for signatures to all JP contacts. It is a way for us to be in solidarity with the suffering people. I visited the place today. Our sisters too are in this area where the army attacked the civilians who were protesting for 'clean water'. Many people were attacked and at present three boys who were watching the demonstration have been killed.  Some people came into the convent too, for protection. The factory which is the cause for the water pollution is closed at present (temporarily)...We visited the families of two of the boys who died ( 17 & 19 years) during this violence. Tomorrow (Today, Thursday 8th August) we are having a peaceful demonstration, a way of being in solidarity with the suffering people as well as requesting for justice and the stop to military violence. Do be united with us in prayer. Blessings! Sister Josita Corera, RGS 
Please keep Sr. Felicia in your prayers for a quick rehab. Please also pray for Kathy Bernier who has breast cancer.  THANKS
Please Pray
Please continue to pray for the peace-filled death of Paul Case and for blessings of health and peace to all his care-givers.  For Thomas, 10 years old, who has cancer and for Bob and Mary.  Also for Maura Koutijian and her family.  THANK YOU
Pray for happy adaptation between Sisters of St. Sulpice and Sisters of Oasis de Paix , Pierrefonds, Montreal.  Merci
